Any persons entering the J7 Launch space or using any amenities or facilities, do so at their own risk and subject to the following conditions: Theses premises are private to the launch function, and the event organisers have the right to refuse admission or entry to any person. The event organisers cannot accept any liability whatsoever and howsoever arising for any harm, injury ( including physical or emotional) or death of any person or loss or destruction or damage to any property, weather arising from theft fire, water, glass, and or any other whatsoever and howsoever arising and by whomsoever caused and regardless as to wheather any death, injury, harm, loss, damage, and/or destruction is caused by or arises from the strict liability, negligence, gross negligence and/or wrongful acts or omissions of the owner, a manger and or operator and its directors, officers, or employees, agents and representatives.
I accept the terms and conditions