I (name & Surname) with ID number hereby confirm that: The KFC HOT AF Wings Battle requires me to eat three (3) hot wings in each of the hot wing sauces -hot, very hot and extra hot – which totals nine (9) wings in total. I will partake in the KFC HOT AF Wings Battle at my own risk, and accordingly waive any claims against and indemnify KFC, their agents, employees, service providers for any injury, death or damage to property arising from my participation or that of any minor accompanying me in the activities or by being on the premises, specifically but not limited to any food related allergy reactions or challenge related risks reaction/s. I accept responsibility for the costs of any emergency medical treatment, which may become necessary as a result of your access to the premises. I confirm that I am 18 years of age or older. Signature: [FULL NAME PRINTED] Date: